June 2010: French release of the book by Lawrence Anthony "Babylon's Ark, the incredible rescue of the Baghdad Zoo."
2003, amid the war in Iraq, Lawrence Anthony will travel to Baghdad to save the remaining animals in the zoo of the city, the largest in the Middle East. This is the beginning of an extraordinary adventure that will lead to work together amid the chaos of war, Iraqis and Americans in the name of love and respect for animals.
Such is the story told in this book successful in the Anglo-Saxon. It is a beautiful testimony of courage, love of animals and also of humanity.
The author, Anthony Lawrence is a renowned environmentalist, President of the association TEO (The Earth Organization). He is currently a struggle to pass a resolution by the UN to protect the fauna and flora in conflict zones.
4th cover
All animal lovers and adventure, can only be conquered by the compelling and truthful account of the rescue of the Baghdad Zoo, in the midst of chaos, danger and the uncertainty of a city at war. Refusing the lions, bears and other zoo residents of Baghdad are the victims of human wars, Lawrence Anthony embarked on a mission that leads him, among Abrahams tanks and firing of Iraqi soldiers to work together Iraqi and U.S. the name of respect and love animals. It is with happiness that we discover how were saved from slaughter latest thoroughbred Arab Saddam and gleefully that we take part in the crossing of Baghdad at war with ostriches, a camel and bears, to the amusement of population and soldiers. Ultimately, this book is a testimony of love for animals and humanity that can only make profound optimism, regardless of age.

The book
When the Iraq war began, Lawrence Anthony, conservationist, was haunted by a thought: what would be the fate of the Baghdad Zoo, caught between two fires in the center of the city? He decided to go even as fighting continued. When he arrived there, his worst fears were fulfilled. The violence of the fighting and uncontrolled looting had killed many animals.
Fortunately, there were survivors. Even at the height of the battle, American soldiers had taken the time to do it and some zoo staff had returned to work despite the incessant shooting. Together and despite the mistrust and prejudices on all sides, Americans and Iraqis were organized to keep the animals alive who had escaped the bombs and looters.
's Ark Babylon is the chronicle of a zoo destroyed by chaos and transformed into a peaceful park thanks to the efforts of a man whose goal was to keep the animals alive and bring security. Throughout the book, including Lawrence Anthony tells how he treated a group of lions that belonged to Uday Hussein, Saddam's son, closed a private zoo for feeding the black market and saved the thoroughbreds of the former Arab -dictator hiding in a barn at Abu Ghraib.
Living in Baghdad was a unique experience which allowed Lawrence Anthony to make Babylon's Ark story warm and special about how the animal rights activists, soldiers and civilians have swept their differences and come together to rebuild a zoo, the only real sign of humanity in the midst of war.
ANTHONY LAWRENCE is a renowned conservationist and founder of The Earth Organization International. It is the first South African to be awarded the medal of Earth Day for its work in Baghdad, medal previously delivered to Al Gore. He was also awarded with the Global Fund for Nature its contribution to nature conservation and the environment.
He is a member of the Explorers Club of New York
His wife is French and Lawrence Anthony is regularly in France.
GRAHAM SPENCE is a journalist and writer. Originally from South Africa, he now lives in England.
This book is a compelling story for adults but also older adolescents. Animal lovers will probably be the first people affected by this story. A study of the Chicago Sun in April 2009 concluded that the animal stories were a safe bet in publishing. This story is particularly interesting in this regard as it brings attention to the lions, tigers, bears and other animals, victims of war but which follows the rescue deal with robbers, soldiers and the general indifference. It crosses the famous thoroughbred Arab Saddam Hussain, whose pedigree goes back to the Crusades and which the author skillfully narrates the rescue.
is also an incredible human adventure. Caring for a zoo in the middle of a war appears in this book as a great way to bring peace and communication between men. This is the great lesson of this book. Save the animals is finally focus on the positive side of being human is to fight against the barbarism and inhumanity that characterize war.
This book is a thrilling and moving testimony. The suspense and emotion are present throughout this story the other abducted and optimistic. A moment of true happiness.
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