His goal: make the shoreline clean borméen between the beach and Favière Gaou.
The Earth Organization, represented by Sylvia Marcovitch, participated in this operation. Few pounds of various waste (plastic bags, lollipop sticks, corks, bottles, cans, etc.) were picked to give an air of cleanliness at this coastline which attracts millions of tourists (35 million per year for the entire region PACA, the first tourist destination in France or 4788 kg of waste per season abandoned on the beaches by the Association Wed Earth)
reminder, according to Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea ), 16 000 m3 were collected away from the beach in 2007. 540 million debris lying on the seabed from the edge of Europe in 2006. There would be 300 million in the Mediterranean, 40 million in the Adriatic, 150 million in the North Sea. It is mostly plastic debris, tires, glass bottles, fishing nets, cans, .... piling up especially in the "accumulation zones" up to 2000 meters deep.
not wait days for global environmental action. Starting
walk, think about taking a bag to pick up that litter with a pair of gloves. An educational movement for children and beneficial for all.
Our planet is our place of residence. Take care of our garden!
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