Message from International President Dear (s) member (s), price (s) friend (s),
The Earth Organization (TEO) is striding in the pursuit of its objectives. However, given the plethora of activities in which we are engaged, some of us might become confused without a thorough knowledge of the principles that guide us. When we use the word "survive", one might think that this succeed in beating the odds or get by experiencing enormous difficulties. In fact, our design
survival has everything to do with the abundance because if only a person who lives in abundance can ensure its long-term survival.
All species are interdependent and have the common goal of survival. Through teaching these principles and implementation of practical projects, TEO helps individuals and groups take steps to improve their links with the world of nature to preserve the survival of all.
Here is a brief overview of the projects we work on right now:
- We are to provide businesses that generate toxic waste tested techniques of
eliminate water pollution and soil .
- We have given the manufacturers of plastic products proven technology for manufacturing a biodegradable plastic
- We have published and distributed a manual on
environmental protection for children . All information contained in this manual are facts recognized by the scientific community.
We continue our campaign for the UN to adopt a resolution which we called "The fauna, flora and war. This text aims to reclassification of places where animals are kept so that they become "non-military targets" as well as schools, hospitals and churches.
- We work with indigenous people to enable them to achieve prosperity through
better manage their lands, wildlife and flora .
We have now 15 branches in 13 countries : Burkina Faso, Togo, Niger, Congo, Canada, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, England, France, Cameroon, Hungary, the United States. Three branches are about to open in three other countries. The leaders of each branch are working on projects they are passionate and that improve their own environment. This may be the protection of fauna and flora, reforestation, teaching the main principles underlying the protection of the environment, etc..
We are working hard to advance these projects and increase their numbers. We have reached the point where we are with your financial or your work as volunteers.
Our task is immense. We must reverse the course of a phenomenon that affects almost the entire planet. This may seem discouraging. Toxic chemicals pervade our water, our soil, our air, causing all sorts of diseases and the list of endangered species has grown by 50% during the past two years, from 1000 to 1500, the number and size "dead zones" that we discover in the oceans are reaching alarming numbers, with over-fishing, 80% of fish species are threatened.
We need to backtrack. This is imperative for the survival of humanity . Again, the magnitude the problem may discourage but we still do the needful. We will succeed if we get the support of a large number of people able to see the big picture and willing to address them.
So please, if you're not a member, become it. If your membership has expired, renew your subscription. If you are an active member, go to the next level in the different status of members that we offer. To do this, contact the site TEO France.
Remember that
there is never enough volunteers ! If you have an hour or two here and there, you can help us. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Moving Forward ... for ourselves, our children and their children, for this planet and the life it contains.
Barbara Wiseman President TEO International