Congratulations to the winner IDEOZ Saint Sebastien sur Loire!
It has responded questions below and has won the book "Ma Maison Ecolo, 365 daily green actions" (Ed. Archipelago)
Question 1:
In which country should take place the next safari in the reserve Thula Thula, organized by the association TEO?
Answer: South Africa
Question 2: What percentage
primate is threatened with extinction because of deforestation in particular and trade in wild animals?
Answer: 29%
Question 3:
In what country is provided for the establishment of a sanctuary for endangered sharks around the world?
Answer: The island nation of Kiribati
Question 4: What
lake is known for being the last sanctuary of Bonobos?
Answer: My Lake Valley
Question 5:
Who founded The Earth Organization (TEO)?
Answer: Lawrence Anthony
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