Presented at Midem in January 1988, VCT starts with centainede securities to achieve two years later, a wide selection of over two hundred and fifty references. At the end of the decade, video-clip comes winner in terms of communication through music channels. We are in 1989, Philips and Sony propose new medium: the CDVidéo (VDC) combining image and sound. The CDVidéos work on the principle of Videodisc. VCT can contain up to twenty minutes of music and six minutes of video. Besides the title track in its long (but not always), VCT is a goldmine for fans - and today for collectors. To stimulate sales, the program aims tantalizing: the presence of the previous single (often in its long), foreign versions of the title single decorate these new golden pancakes. Some
CDVidéo Collectibles:
Lio "Brunettes not count for nothing." Bananarama "Love in the flirts degree. Tears for Fears "Sowing the Seeds of Love." Niagara "Enough! . Jeanne Mas "J'accuse." Patricia Kaas "She wanted to play cabaret. Vanessa Paradis' Cup Cup. "
(c) Patrick Roulph Editions, 2007. All rights of reproduction in whole or in part by any means reserved for all countries and all languages.
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