Saturday, December 25, 2010
All Free Satellite Indian Channels
A report of The Earth Organization USA
During the first quarter of the year, we developed and began piloting breakthrough science-based environmental and conservation courses for K-12.
Then, may I be blunt?
All Hell broke loose: the Deepwater Horizon oil blow out initiated the largest environmental disaster in US history. When it became clear that real solutions to the problem were not being utilized, The Earth Organization swung into gear to demonstrate the effectiveness of bio-remediation technology* to public and government officials. Our purpose was to see to the implementation of a solution that would clean up the toxic holocaust that had become the Gulf of Mexico.
Once we arrived in the Gulf area, it became clear that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. We began to investigate why bioremediation, the only real solution to this situation, was not being utilized and, in fact, was being actively prevented from being implemented by the EPA. It also became necessary to investigate why an extraordinarily toxic chemical dispersant, more toxic than the oil itself, was being used and why that was being sanctioned by government agencies.
With the financial support of many of our members, we produced a half-hour documentary exposing the on-going toxic dangers of the water and the seafood created by the use of the chemical dispersant, and educating the public that there is a real solution. (View the video here) Our purpose is to ignite a demand that bio-remediation be implemented immediately.
This program is currently airing on 35 cable channels in Louisiana and will air over 100 times in the next month. We will expand even this coverage. The seafood and tourism industries, as well as all businesses who depend on clean Gulf water, must be saved by truly returning the Gulf to it's pre-oil blow out condition.
If you haven't yet seen the program, or have only seen a portion of it, go to Please give us your feedback on the documentary, and share it broadly with others.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Is It Normal To Have Dry Mucus Before Periods
April 2010. Arbor Day in the Landes, sponsored by DISNEY STORE and implemented by SEED DRILL. After the storm Klaus, the country's children came to participate in a plantation of 8000 trees on a plot of 5 hectares, an operation that has been possible thanks to the town hall and Wales Garein Landes de Gascogne.
5th edition for the association under the auspices of the National Association of forest workers. This year, 76 alder threatened to suffocate in a soil unsuitable, were replanted in the carbon sink of Villers-Cotterets to the delight of children and their parents through the coaching of the president of the ANAF.
The Earth Organization supports the resolution that its founder, Lawrence Anthony tries to push the UN to protect the fauna and flora in areas of conflicts.
He came especially from South Africa to celebrate the release of his book Babylon's Ark, the incredible rescue of the Baghdad Zoo "(Ed. 3 Genie) to expose reasons such an approach as he explains in his book.
November 23, Lawrence Anthony has been received the Literary Prize of 30 Million Friends for "Babylon's Ark" with the bonus of 1,000 euros a check that he decided to return to The Earth Organization France . This award will be naturally used for the protection of animals.
With TERAO, an office of environmental studies who has chosen operator TEO as carbon offsetting, a pilot project was launched in the small village of Sidi Mokhtar Zouita so that the wood-fired ovens are replacing traditional stoves and thus enable people to halve the amount of wood used for cooking meals.
At the end of winter, amphibians begin their migration to their breeding area crossed by a highway and are regularly crushed. Through a system of roasting, they are blocked upstream, and every morning, volunteers will visit the area to bring them to the pond.
This year, 7306 and amphibians have been saved through the efforts Mutual different associations under the auspices of the NFB (5628 common toads, 1551 red frogs and agile, 87 palmate newts, newt 28, 6 and 6 Alpine newts spotted salamanders).
Frequency Operation Frog will be repeated in Picardy for another two years.
Delegate to the associational life and the coastal path, the association has organized a clean Boudragues Nature Sunday, March 28, as part of the world day water. His goal: make the shoreline clean borméen.
The Earth Organization participated in this operation. Few pounds of various waste (plastic bags, lollipop sticks, corks, bottles, cans, etc.) were picked to give an air of cleanliness at this coastline which attracts millions of tourists.
This year, the brochures of things for the environment have been distributed throughout France.
Operation Stop Pub, launched by the Department of Ecology in 2004, has gone from becoming greater because of the extensive distribution flyers in the mailboxes (40 kg per household).
Thus, The Earth Organization has created its own stickers and distributes them free to reduce waste upstream correspondent in 2010 to 10 tonnes of paper
TEO has selected this month the best photo that was sent and published on his blog "Animal Land". This initiative will now be renewed every month. At your cameras!
Many thanks to all volunteers for contributing to these projects. Nothing would have been
possible without the help of all those operating in the shadows but determined to improve the lives of living beings.
Thanks also to members who financially support the association.
We hope to be many more next year to accomplish other beneficial actions for our dear Mother Nature!
TEO France is a member of The Alliance for the Planet and is the Earth Challenge -
SIRET NO: 52301494200016
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Red Flower Pin November Uk
Employment Monday - Monday, December 13, 2010
Every Monday from 8am to 9am on Radio City Centre (102.3 FM),
- The Employment Monday, for the integration of all on the job market in Quebec and Canada -
8:00 Flash Jobs
The Latest news on employment in and around Montreal
8:10 Good shot "": a new online tool to facilitate the employment integration of immigrants
Interview of Anne-Laurence Frederick, PR consultant to the Department of Immigration and Cultural Communities (MICC)
8:30 F ocus business Working in the social economy
Interview Anyle Side Development Officer - Social Economy, Regional Conference of Elected Representatives (CR e) of Montreal
8:45 Reorientation Reading Tips
Chronicle outplacement assistance, by Emma Roulin
Research, directing, animation: Nilsy Desaint and Celine Derouet
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Monday of the job is part French-language broadcasts of Radio Centre Ville. Radio City Center is a nonprofit radio. Almost all of its journalists (including me) are volunteers. Schedules mentioned in the program are indicative. Technical problems may prevent the successful broadcast of the program. To purchase recordings, thank you to contact us or visit the blog of the show:
Radio City Centre, we focus on the Montreal World
5212 St Laurent, Montreal QC H2T 1S1 - 514 495 2597
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sonicare Toothbrush And Mildew
Every Monday from 8am to 9am on Radio City Centre (102.3 FM),
- The Monday of Employment for the integration of all on the job market in Quebec and Canada -
8:00 Flash Jobs
Latest news on employment in and around Montreal
8:10 Selling single clicks, psychosocial rehabilitation center
Interview by Sylvie Goyette, president and founder of Declick
8:30 F ocus business Coach Management
Interview Robert Claveau, management coach and work organization
8:45 Reorientation Darveau Testimony of Annie, an interior designer
Chronicle outplacement assistance, by Emma Roulin