Battez-vous pour la bonne cause: Surfrider Foundation
Client: Surfrider Foundation Agency: Y & R , Paris
Excellent awareness campaign conducted by Young & Rubicam Paris and illustrator John Paul Thurlow for Surfrider Foundation. This fight actively against marine litter on beaches which every year kill hundreds of thousands of marine mammals and birds. Join the fight by signing their petition:
In the meantime you can still participate in the "Young Lions Cannes YouTube Ad Contest 48 Hour", the competition dedicated to young creatives from 18 to 28. It is this year to create a spot for WaterAid addressing world leaders and an emphasis on accessibility to water and toilets for all. The creative team that receives the most votes from the surfers and the jury will be offered the trip to Cannes and his spot will be submitted to the Young Lions Film category.
Client: Colgate Total Agency: Prolam Y & R, Santiago, Chile
Wouahou it's been awhile since I had not seen such beautiful artwork for an advertisement! I really think they are very beautiful visuals and the idea is crazy. Warm tones are pleasing to the eye and the integration of the grip has been reflected. Great job!
Amnesty International Portugal and Leo Burnett Iberia Tyrannybook launched the first social network dedicated to monitoring tyrants who violate human rights. Follow the news live, see their profiles, react.
I urge you to join this community of human rights defenders, the operation is really well done.
A completely wacky publicity conducted by The Small Box , but that fits perfectly to the client, namely the Belgian radio station FooRire FM. The visual is sufficient in itself and no hook is necessary to understand the message: FM FooRire for everyone and for all ages.