Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dogs Having Mini Strokes

Disappearing bees

past fifty years, declining populations of pollinators have been observed in many industrialized countries . Significant mortality bees are especially observed since the mid 80's, Europe and worldwide. These phenomena are a serious concern whatsoever for beekeeping professionals, but also for the agricultural and public authorities. According AFSSA, insect pollinators, particularly bees wild and domestic contribute to the survival and evolution of over 80% of plant species.

The population of French and European hives had collapsed, the production of plants, fruits and vegetables is compromised. Worldwide sales dependent "work" of pollination is 153 billion euros ..

In its mission to protect biodiversity, TEO France is committed to finding solutions to curb this phenomenon. Francis
Gomy, craft and horticulture landscape architect, agreed to take this matter in hand to find solutions easily applicable in an emergency to denounce the practices of agricultural treatments.

decimating bee products will be stigmatized and petitions to ban them will be given to those leaders of the industry and associations involved.


Credit NS

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Parmesan Cheese At East Side Marios?

planting trees in Picardy

"Planting a tree in a garden in a park in the countryside, forest, is a simple, accessible to everyone," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. But this action repeated a billion times leave a footprint in the long term. "

Many associations have mobilized to educate citizens to plant trees on every continent.
In the top three countries farmers can find with Ethiopia over 700 million trees planted, followed by Mexico with 217 million and Turkey with 150 million.

The initiative continues beyond the billion initially targeted. To This, needless to go across the world. Several French associations organize days of planting trees on the national territory.

On 1 March 2009 for example, NAFA (National Association of foresters) and The Earth Organization (Earth Association) came together to make plantations in the carbon sink of Villers-Cotterets in Picardy located on the former WWTP.

The plants were provided by the ANAF notably from their nursery school located in the Chateau de la Ferte Milon Potel, specializing in horticulture and arboriculture.
Children and parents were present to learn any thing essential to reduce the amount of CO ² in the atmosphere: plant a tree.

"Overall, a home emits 16.4 tons of carbon dioxide per year to meet its needs. The household energy consumption accounts for 47% of national consumption, "says Noelle Saugout, president of France and TEO author of Caring for the Earth: 365 green behavior in everyday life. "What better way to start with a simple action and fun to offset our carbon emissions? "

ANAF is an association fighting against global warming and TEO (The Earth Organization), founded by Lawrence Anthony famous for having saved the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq, aims to protect biodiversity.

(See the report of the previous year on http://earthorganization.fr/plantation-fevrier-2008/index.html)

See March 3, 2009 article in the newspaper L'Union at: http:/
/ www.lunion.presse.fr/index.php/cms/13/article/259916/Plantations_pour_le_bien_etre_de_la_planete

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rose Garden Seat Numbering

Lawrence Anthony, one of the most influential


At presentation in Washington on Saturday journalist Tom Clynes named
conservationist Lawrence Anthony amongst his six most impressive and
influential people in a lifetime of reporting. The list includes luminaries
such as Sir Edmund Hilary the first person to climb Mt Everest.

The full list is as follows.

- Sir Edmund Hilary: The first man to climb Mt Everest.
- J Michael Fay: Pioneering ecologist responsible for the groundbreaking Mega
Transect and Mega Flyover
- Lawrence Anthony: South African conservationist and author, perhaps best known for his daring rescue of the Baghdad Zoo during the Iraq war.
- Nathan Wolfe: Internationally respected virologist for his studies on
"origins of major human infectious diseases"
- Konrad Steffan: Climatologist famous for his groundbreaking studies of
Climate Change and sea level rise.
- Dr Mike Ryan: Epidemiologist, coordinator of the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network at the World Health Organization in Geneva.

Clynes is a respected international journalist and author.
A Pew Fellow in International Journalism, he is contributing editor to National Geographic Adventure, and twice winner of the prestigious Explorers Club Thomas Lowell award.
His book "Music Festivals from Bach to Blues" won the American Library Association's Reference Book of the Year award in 1997.
His articles appear regularly in major international publications.
