Red List of endangered animals
This list was compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature to "mobilize public attention and policy makers on the urgency and Extended conservation problems, and encourage the international community to act to limit the rate of species extinction.
According to this list, 17.291 species follow the example of the dodo, and all living classes are affected.
The list now includes:
21% of mammals, including western lowland gorilla
30% 12%
amphibians birds reptiles
28% 37% of fish freshwater invertebrates
35% and 70% of plants
More Information on the global Red List of endangered species, consult the IUCN website:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Power Of Attorney To Refinance
Miss Earth France becomes the ambassador of TEO
Magalie Thierry Miss Earth France 2009, becomes honorary ambassador of The Earth Organization.
Elected Miss Haute-Saone 2005 and Miss Franche-Comté 2005, Magalie Thierry has had the opportunity to represent their region in the election of Miss France 2006. Elected
Miss Earth France 2009 in June, she has the pleasure to combine his two passions: the life of Miss and that his academic background in biology, ecology .
The Miss Earth is an annual international beauty contest to raise awareness of ecology and environmental protection. There since 2001. It is the largest behind that of Miss Universe and Miss World. The winner agrees to promote projects environbementaux during her year of reign.
Magali Thierry will thus officially represent France in Manila, Philippines, next fall to win the contest "MISS EARTH 2009 .
International Earth Organization (TEO) is already associated with Miss Earth South Africa. Together, they organized a "Walk for Nature" in the Johannesburg Zoo in March 2009.
In fact, The Earth Organization has submitted a p ROPOSAL resolution on United Nations Secretary General asking that zoos, nature parks, marine reserves, facilities and adjoining their carers, are reported targets illegitimate war.
The resolution also requires the recognition that some acts of deliberate and irreversible environmental or destruction of animal life during armed conflicts are war crimes reported (see our previous article).
According Yvette Taylor, international director of TEO:
"The mission of Miss Earth beauty is to serve a cause. Our association seeks to achieve positive results and we have here the opportunity to awareness about preserving our natural heritage , particularly in wartime. "
All those present signed the resolution for the protection of wildlife in war zones and Lawrence Anthony, founder of TEO concluded:
"Our group intends to change some international laws. We're engaged in a worldwide campaign for the survival of fauna and flora in conflict zones. "
Contact: Noelle Saugout
President TEO France
Magalie Thierry Miss Earth France 2009, becomes honorary ambassador of The Earth Organization.
Elected Miss Haute-Saone 2005 and Miss Franche-Comté 2005, Magalie Thierry has had the opportunity to represent their region in the election of Miss France 2006. Elected
Miss Earth France 2009 in June, she has the pleasure to combine his two passions: the life of Miss and that his academic background in biology, ecology .
The Miss Earth is an annual international beauty contest to raise awareness of ecology and environmental protection. There since 2001. It is the largest behind that of Miss Universe and Miss World. The winner agrees to promote projects environbementaux during her year of reign.
Magali Thierry will thus officially represent France in Manila, Philippines, next fall to win the contest "MISS EARTH 2009 .
International Earth Organization (TEO) is already associated with Miss Earth South Africa. Together, they organized a "Walk for Nature" in the Johannesburg Zoo in March 2009.
In fact, The Earth Organization has submitted a p ROPOSAL resolution on United Nations Secretary General asking that zoos, nature parks, marine reserves, facilities and adjoining their carers, are reported targets illegitimate war.
The resolution also requires the recognition that some acts of deliberate and irreversible environmental or destruction of animal life during armed conflicts are war crimes reported (see our previous article).
According Yvette Taylor, international director of TEO:
"The mission of Miss Earth beauty is to serve a cause. Our association seeks to achieve positive results and we have here the opportunity to awareness about preserving our natural heritage , particularly in wartime. "
All those present signed the resolution for the protection of wildlife in war zones and Lawrence Anthony, founder of TEO concluded:
"Our group intends to change some international laws. We're engaged in a worldwide campaign for the survival of fauna and flora in conflict zones. "
Contact: Noelle Saugout
President TEO France
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Espired Chicken Broth
flora and fauna in a war zone
Originally an innovative initiative, The Earth Organization, an association of international protection based in South Africa, submitted TODAY 'Today a proposed resolution to the UN Secretary General asking that zoos, nature parks, reserves marine facilities and adjoining their carers, are declared illegitimate targets of war. The resolution also requires the recognition that certain deliberate actions or irreversible environmental or destruction of animal life during armed conflicts should be declared war criminals.
"Zoos and parks are becoming modern Noah's arks and allow the world to enjoy, preserve, study and better understand our biodiversity, so that a lasting solution will not be found "said Lawrence Anthony, founder of The Earth Organization. "There is clearly a duty of states to protect their biodiversity where armed conflict occurs, and the safety of installations, such as veterinarians and ecologists who care, must be guaranteed by the international community ".
Lawrence Anthony added:" We have entered an era where the extinction of species has taken on considerable proportions due to human activities. Armed conflicts are only the expression of the failure of humans to properly protect its natural environment and life forms that depend on it. "
The paper finds that the evolution of Zoos and protected areas ranging from facilities that house the wildlife attractive to the public, essential to the bastions of biodiversity and the last refuges of endangered species extinction.
The resolution also requests the presence of environmental experts in all peace negotiations and conflict resolution the United Nations. "The environment, fauna and flora are still suffering from armed conflict and must be represented in any peace negotiations," said Anthony.
Lawrence Anthony is an internationally renowned environmentalist and author well known for having saved the zoo in Baghdad during the invasion by the Coalition in Iraq in 2003.
the attention of Mr. Secretary General of the UN
The twentieth and twenty-first century saw the birth of International Environmental Law, despite the impending environmental crises and the adoption of the obligation to preserve and protect the natural environment in situ and ex situ by member states.
The devastating effect of armed conflict on programs preservation and study of wild animals ex situ is less obvious that abandonment and neglect of wild animals in captivity during armed conflict, and therefore it is requested:
RECOGNITION of the obligation of member states respect and protect the natural environment;
RECOGNITION of the obligation of states to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not harm the environment of neighboring states or areas beyond limit their jurisdiction;
RECOGNITION of the obligation of states to develop strategies, plans and programs for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, including:
(i) identification and monitoring of biodiversity;
(ii) the adoption of conservation methods in situ and ex situ
( iii) the establishment of research programs and training and
(iv) engagement in public education and awareness
RECOGNIZING that the establishment of facilities for the preservation, research, livestock, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and reserves marine fauna and flora, is a legitimate expression of the obligations of the state;
RECOGNITION that the regulations of international law continue to be applicable in armed conflict;
RECOGNITION that facilities for preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora are essential to preserving and understanding biodiversity and to protect endangered species and their destruction may be extensive damage, lasting and severe the natural environment;
recognition that states must take into account environmental considerations when assessing the means necessary and proportionate in the pursuit of legitimate military objectives, and that respect for the environment is one of the factors taken considered in determining whether an action is consistent with the principles of necessity and proportionality;
RECOGNITION specific examples of serious threats to endangered species or protected areas during the armed conflict can lead to severe injury and permanent irreversible damage and extensive on the natural environment and eventually be an environmental emergency;
RECOGNITION an intentional attack during an armed conflict in the knowledge that such attack will result in extensive damage, severe and lasting for natural environment, which clearly exceeds the overall military advantage anticipated, is a war crime;
APPROVAL of a request for a Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare on a more humane treatment of animals .
AND, THEREFORE, call the United Nations to adopt a resolution:
I. EXPRESSING interest deep on the plight of wild animals in captivity and in nature, and about the threat to wildlife, flora and marine reserves during armed conflict;
II. RECOGNIZING the need to continue research and preservation during armed conflict;
III. COMMENDING the sacrifice and courage of people who continue to protect and keep wild animals in captivity, wildlife, flora and marine reserves during armed conflict.
IV. AND CALLING member states to pass a treaty and review existing treaties to take into consideration:
BAN to use the facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora, for military operations of the member states during armed conflict;
BAN consider the facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals and wild animals which are temporarily or kept permanently as well as marine reserves, fauna and flora as military targets by the member states except where such facilities or reserves have been steadily, despite the warnings, used for military operations;
OBLIGATION member states involved in armed conflict to respect and protect the plants for preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora;
the obligation to accord Staff working in facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora, status and protection equivalent to those of medical and religious personnel by the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, and to provide their identity and appointment when requested by neutral states;
OBLIGATION neutral states to cooperate to the greatest possible way with the parties in conflict to assume the responsibilities of the parties in conflict concerning cross-border natural areas in which such neutral states have responsibilities ;
OBLIGATION Security Council, peacekeeping and regional member states to include conservationists and environmental experts in the delegations whose mission is to negotiate, conclude and implement the ceasefire monitoring -fire and peaceful resolution of armed conflict;
a mandate for the Security Council to intervene in case of armed conflict, and to deploy force if necessary to prevent environmental emergencies where no this force, the result would be the extinction of a species or the irreversible destruction of a protected natural area;
RECOGNITION that the following acts during armed conflict constitute war crimes:
(i) the deliberate or systematic massacre of endangered species;
(ii) the deliberate destruction or systematic natural protected areas;
(iii) the deliberate attack of facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals and wild animals which are kept either temporarily or permanently, and marine reserves , fauna and flora, unless these facilities or reserves have been regularly, despite the warnings, used for military operations;
and (iv) the use of threat of massacre on the endangered species as a bargaining tool during an armed conflict.
We believe that there is no universal recognition of the value of biodiversity until a major event various animal sacrifices in wartime.
We ask the UN to seize the opportunity to adopt this call for more humane treatment of the natural environment in times of armed conflict.
Thus, 13 March 2009, a "Walk for Wildlife" was organized in partnership with Miss Earth South Africa to raise public awareness to the cause of the fauna and flora in areas of conflict.
The Earth Organization (TEO) is already associated with Miss Earth South Africa and jointly organized a "Walk for Wildlife" at the Johannesburg Zoo in spring 2009.
According Yvette Taylor, international director of TEO, "The mission of Miss Earth beauty is to serve a cause. Our association seeks to achieve positive results and we have here the opportunity educate people to preserve our natural heritage, particularly in wartime. "
All those present signed the resolution for the protection of wildlife in war zones and Lawrence Anthony, founder of TEO to conclude:" Our group intends to change some international laws. We're engaged in a worldwide campaign for the survival of fauna and flora in conflict zones. "
Originally an innovative initiative, The Earth Organization, an association of international protection based in South Africa, submitted TODAY 'Today a proposed resolution to the UN Secretary General asking that zoos, nature parks, reserves marine facilities and adjoining their carers, are declared illegitimate targets of war. The resolution also requires the recognition that certain deliberate actions or irreversible environmental or destruction of animal life during armed conflicts should be declared war criminals.
"Zoos and parks are becoming modern Noah's arks and allow the world to enjoy, preserve, study and better understand our biodiversity, so that a lasting solution will not be found "said Lawrence Anthony, founder of The Earth Organization. "There is clearly a duty of states to protect their biodiversity where armed conflict occurs, and the safety of installations, such as veterinarians and ecologists who care, must be guaranteed by the international community ".
Lawrence Anthony added:" We have entered an era where the extinction of species has taken on considerable proportions due to human activities. Armed conflicts are only the expression of the failure of humans to properly protect its natural environment and life forms that depend on it. "
The paper finds that the evolution of Zoos and protected areas ranging from facilities that house the wildlife attractive to the public, essential to the bastions of biodiversity and the last refuges of endangered species extinction.
The resolution also requests the presence of environmental experts in all peace negotiations and conflict resolution the United Nations. "The environment, fauna and flora are still suffering from armed conflict and must be represented in any peace negotiations," said Anthony.
Lawrence Anthony is an internationally renowned environmentalist and author well known for having saved the zoo in Baghdad during the invasion by the Coalition in Iraq in 2003.
the attention of Mr. Secretary General of the UN
The twentieth and twenty-first century saw the birth of International Environmental Law, despite the impending environmental crises and the adoption of the obligation to preserve and protect the natural environment in situ and ex situ by member states.
The devastating effect of armed conflict on programs preservation and study of wild animals ex situ is less obvious that abandonment and neglect of wild animals in captivity during armed conflict, and therefore it is requested:
RECOGNITION of the obligation of member states respect and protect the natural environment;
RECOGNITION of the obligation of states to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not harm the environment of neighboring states or areas beyond limit their jurisdiction;
RECOGNITION of the obligation of states to develop strategies, plans and programs for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, including:
(i) identification and monitoring of biodiversity;
(ii) the adoption of conservation methods in situ and ex situ
( iii) the establishment of research programs and training and
(iv) engagement in public education and awareness
RECOGNIZING that the establishment of facilities for the preservation, research, livestock, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and reserves marine fauna and flora, is a legitimate expression of the obligations of the state;
RECOGNITION that the regulations of international law continue to be applicable in armed conflict;
RECOGNITION that facilities for preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora are essential to preserving and understanding biodiversity and to protect endangered species and their destruction may be extensive damage, lasting and severe the natural environment;
recognition that states must take into account environmental considerations when assessing the means necessary and proportionate in the pursuit of legitimate military objectives, and that respect for the environment is one of the factors taken considered in determining whether an action is consistent with the principles of necessity and proportionality;
RECOGNITION specific examples of serious threats to endangered species or protected areas during the armed conflict can lead to severe injury and permanent irreversible damage and extensive on the natural environment and eventually be an environmental emergency;
RECOGNITION an intentional attack during an armed conflict in the knowledge that such attack will result in extensive damage, severe and lasting for natural environment, which clearly exceeds the overall military advantage anticipated, is a war crime;
APPROVAL of a request for a Universal Declaration of Animal Welfare on a more humane treatment of animals .
AND, THEREFORE, call the United Nations to adopt a resolution:
I. EXPRESSING interest deep on the plight of wild animals in captivity and in nature, and about the threat to wildlife, flora and marine reserves during armed conflict;
II. RECOGNIZING the need to continue research and preservation during armed conflict;
III. COMMENDING the sacrifice and courage of people who continue to protect and keep wild animals in captivity, wildlife, flora and marine reserves during armed conflict.
IV. AND CALLING member states to pass a treaty and review existing treaties to take into consideration:
BAN to use the facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora, for military operations of the member states during armed conflict;
BAN consider the facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals and wild animals which are temporarily or kept permanently as well as marine reserves, fauna and flora as military targets by the member states except where such facilities or reserves have been steadily, despite the warnings, used for military operations;
OBLIGATION member states involved in armed conflict to respect and protect the plants for preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora;
the obligation to accord Staff working in facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals, and in which wild animals are kept temporarily or permanently and marine reserves, fauna and flora, status and protection equivalent to those of medical and religious personnel by the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, and to provide their identity and appointment when requested by neutral states;
OBLIGATION neutral states to cooperate to the greatest possible way with the parties in conflict to assume the responsibilities of the parties in conflict concerning cross-border natural areas in which such neutral states have responsibilities ;
OBLIGATION Security Council, peacekeeping and regional member states to include conservationists and environmental experts in the delegations whose mission is to negotiate, conclude and implement the ceasefire monitoring -fire and peaceful resolution of armed conflict;
a mandate for the Security Council to intervene in case of armed conflict, and to deploy force if necessary to prevent environmental emergencies where no this force, the result would be the extinction of a species or the irreversible destruction of a protected natural area;
RECOGNITION that the following acts during armed conflict constitute war crimes:
(i) the deliberate or systematic massacre of endangered species;
(ii) the deliberate destruction or systematic natural protected areas;
(iii) the deliberate attack of facilities for the preservation, research, breeding, treatment or study of wild animals and wild animals which are kept either temporarily or permanently, and marine reserves , fauna and flora, unless these facilities or reserves have been regularly, despite the warnings, used for military operations;
and (iv) the use of threat of massacre on the endangered species as a bargaining tool during an armed conflict.
We believe that there is no universal recognition of the value of biodiversity until a major event various animal sacrifices in wartime.
We ask the UN to seize the opportunity to adopt this call for more humane treatment of the natural environment in times of armed conflict.
Thus, 13 March 2009, a "Walk for Wildlife" was organized in partnership with Miss Earth South Africa to raise public awareness to the cause of the fauna and flora in areas of conflict.
The Earth Organization (TEO) is already associated with Miss Earth South Africa and jointly organized a "Walk for Wildlife" at the Johannesburg Zoo in spring 2009.
According Yvette Taylor, international director of TEO, "The mission of Miss Earth beauty is to serve a cause. Our association seeks to achieve positive results and we have here the opportunity educate people to preserve our natural heritage, particularly in wartime. "
All those present signed the resolution for the protection of wildlife in war zones and Lawrence Anthony, founder of TEO to conclude:" Our group intends to change some international laws. We're engaged in a worldwide campaign for the survival of fauna and flora in conflict zones. "
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Exception Error In Tally
International Week layer washable
I avoid disposable diapers
Invented in 1956, disposable diapers accounted a revolution, or liberation for women.
However, they generate a lot of waste: 300 kg during the period when the baby is so changed.
However, there are cloth diapers that have nothing to do with the languages of our grandmothers.
They consist of several levels thereby throwing the only party with the stool and renew, while retaining the panty itself.
By operating with disposable diapers, it is possible to produce 3 times less waste!
It takes 12 billion gallons of oil and more than 250 000 trees to make disposable diapers all put on the market U.S..
(from Ma Maison Ecolo, 365 Acts of Green Daily (Ed. Archipelago)
Note also that the disposable part is a single sheet of LinuxTag cellulose, barely larger than 3 sheets of toilet paper!
International Week of the cloth diaper held from April 27 to May 2
Main participating companies will make a 10% discount on this occasion.
For further information, please contact the association to promote washable nappies Bubble Cotton Tel: 02 35 26 03 62
Major French companies nappies are
Ptite The Prairie Nature
Ptit Bottom
The Chérigogottes
I avoid disposable diapers
Invented in 1956, disposable diapers accounted a revolution, or liberation for women.
However, they generate a lot of waste: 300 kg during the period when the baby is so changed.
However, there are cloth diapers that have nothing to do with the languages of our grandmothers.
They consist of several levels thereby throwing the only party with the stool and renew, while retaining the panty itself.
By operating with disposable diapers, it is possible to produce 3 times less waste!
It takes 12 billion gallons of oil and more than 250 000 trees to make disposable diapers all put on the market U.S..
(from Ma Maison Ecolo, 365 Acts of Green Daily (Ed. Archipelago)
Note also that the disposable part is a single sheet of LinuxTag cellulose, barely larger than 3 sheets of toilet paper!
International Week of the cloth diaper held from April 27 to May 2
Main participating companies will make a 10% discount on this occasion.
For further information, please contact the association to promote washable nappies Bubble Cotton Tel: 02 35 26 03 62
Major French companies nappies are
Ptite The Prairie Nature
Ptit Bottom
The Chérigogottes
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wi Drivers License Numbers Mean?
joins Disney Store TEO for Earth Day
This partnership aims to raise funds to contribute to the reforestation of damaged forests by Klaus storm that struck the south-western France in January 2009.
In line with the historical involvement of The Walt Disney Company to various charities, Disney Store France is partnering with The Earth Organization France to raise funds that will be used to replant trees in the Landes forest which has been particularly affected by the storm Klaus. This local initiative is part of the campaign will take place throughout the month of April in the Disney Store shops in Europe and the United States, whose climax will be the Earth Day Wednesday, April 22.
On this occasion, Disney Store has created a reusable bag Earth Day. Between 2 and April 30, for each reusable bag purchased on Earth Day, 1 € will be donated to The Earth Organization France. Other initiatives will also launched so that the campaign has an educational aspect and helps children to understand the role of trees for the environment and to humans. During this period, the windows of the shops will have the Disney Store on Earth Day theme, and each shop kids can participate in a contest inviting them to draw their tree Disney.
A Disney Store exclusive range of products on Earth Day in April will be available in stores Disney Store, with among other plush Winnie the Pooh and Piglet in organic cotton and recycled paper notebooks.
Teresa Tideman, CEO Disney Store Europe: "Disney Store is pleased to partner with The Earth Organization France. This partnership and other initiatives launched by Disney Store will reiterate to our Guests and our Cast Members the importance of the preservation of trees to our environment. "
Saugout Noelle, Chairman of The Earth Organization France:" The Disney Store will reforest Landes is a project in which France The Earth Organization is proud to participate. The trees give us oxygen and we draw CO2 from the atmosphere. The survival of humanity depends entirely on the existence of trees and regeneration Forest. "
About Disney Store France
Disney Store France is part of Disney Store Europe, a subsidiary of stores The Walt Disney Company, a leading entertainment companies in the world. Disney Store is also part of Disney Consumer Products, the division responsible for the variation of the Disney franchise products. Disney Store Europe has 108 stores located in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. Disney Store made its debut on the French market by opening the store on the Champs-Elysees in Paris in November 1993. This flagship store located on "most beautiful avenue in the world," is now the first Disney Store worldwide. The 13 French shops welcome Guests 7 million per year. Like them, spend "30 minutes of your most beautiful day" in one of our stores, you will discover exclusive products and quality of all your favorite Disney characters.
About The Earth Organization France
The Earth Organization (TEO) is an association of environmental protection established by Lawrence Anthony, South African ecologist who received the Medal of Earth Day in 2003. The main objective of The Earth Organization (TEO) is to safeguard biodiversity for humanity to survive.
If you want more information about Disney Store, thank you contact: Delphine Chagrin
- Disney Store
01 64 17 56 07
delphine.chagrin @
If you want more information about The Earth Organization France, thank you contact: Mona Parmentier El
Shiwa, Director General
This partnership aims to raise funds to contribute to the reforestation of damaged forests by Klaus storm that struck the south-western France in January 2009.
In line with the historical involvement of The Walt Disney Company to various charities, Disney Store France is partnering with The Earth Organization France to raise funds that will be used to replant trees in the Landes forest which has been particularly affected by the storm Klaus. This local initiative is part of the campaign will take place throughout the month of April in the Disney Store shops in Europe and the United States, whose climax will be the Earth Day Wednesday, April 22.
On this occasion, Disney Store has created a reusable bag Earth Day. Between 2 and April 30, for each reusable bag purchased on Earth Day, 1 € will be donated to The Earth Organization France. Other initiatives will also launched so that the campaign has an educational aspect and helps children to understand the role of trees for the environment and to humans. During this period, the windows of the shops will have the Disney Store on Earth Day theme, and each shop kids can participate in a contest inviting them to draw their tree Disney.
A Disney Store exclusive range of products on Earth Day in April will be available in stores Disney Store, with among other plush Winnie the Pooh and Piglet in organic cotton and recycled paper notebooks.
Teresa Tideman, CEO Disney Store Europe: "Disney Store is pleased to partner with The Earth Organization France. This partnership and other initiatives launched by Disney Store will reiterate to our Guests and our Cast Members the importance of the preservation of trees to our environment. "
Saugout Noelle, Chairman of The Earth Organization France:" The Disney Store will reforest Landes is a project in which France The Earth Organization is proud to participate. The trees give us oxygen and we draw CO2 from the atmosphere. The survival of humanity depends entirely on the existence of trees and regeneration Forest. "
About Disney Store France
Disney Store France is part of Disney Store Europe, a subsidiary of stores The Walt Disney Company, a leading entertainment companies in the world. Disney Store is also part of Disney Consumer Products, the division responsible for the variation of the Disney franchise products. Disney Store Europe has 108 stores located in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal. Disney Store made its debut on the French market by opening the store on the Champs-Elysees in Paris in November 1993. This flagship store located on "most beautiful avenue in the world," is now the first Disney Store worldwide. The 13 French shops welcome Guests 7 million per year. Like them, spend "30 minutes of your most beautiful day" in one of our stores, you will discover exclusive products and quality of all your favorite Disney characters.
About The Earth Organization France
The Earth Organization (TEO) is an association of environmental protection established by Lawrence Anthony, South African ecologist who received the Medal of Earth Day in 2003. The main objective of The Earth Organization (TEO) is to safeguard biodiversity for humanity to survive.
If you want more information about Disney Store, thank you contact: Delphine Chagrin
- Disney Store
01 64 17 56 07
delphine.chagrin @
If you want more information about The Earth Organization France, thank you contact: Mona Parmentier El
Shiwa, Director General
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dogs Having Mini Strokes
Disappearing bees
past fifty years, declining populations of pollinators have been observed in many industrialized countries . Significant mortality bees are especially observed since the mid 80's, Europe and worldwide. These phenomena are a serious concern whatsoever for beekeeping professionals, but also for the agricultural and public authorities. According AFSSA, insect pollinators, particularly bees wild and domestic contribute to the survival and evolution of over 80% of plant species.
The population of French and European hives had collapsed, the production of plants, fruits and vegetables is compromised. Worldwide sales dependent "work" of pollination is 153 billion euros ..
In its mission to protect biodiversity, TEO France is committed to finding solutions to curb this phenomenon. Francis
Gomy, craft and horticulture landscape architect, agreed to take this matter in hand to find solutions easily applicable in an emergency to denounce the practices of agricultural treatments.
decimating bee products will be stigmatized and petitions to ban them will be given to those leaders of the industry and associations involved.
Credit NS
past fifty years, declining populations of pollinators have been observed in many industrialized countries . Significant mortality bees are especially observed since the mid 80's, Europe and worldwide. These phenomena are a serious concern whatsoever for beekeeping professionals, but also for the agricultural and public authorities. According AFSSA, insect pollinators, particularly bees wild and domestic contribute to the survival and evolution of over 80% of plant species.
The population of French and European hives had collapsed, the production of plants, fruits and vegetables is compromised. Worldwide sales dependent "work" of pollination is 153 billion euros ..
In its mission to protect biodiversity, TEO France is committed to finding solutions to curb this phenomenon. Francis
Gomy, craft and horticulture landscape architect, agreed to take this matter in hand to find solutions easily applicable in an emergency to denounce the practices of agricultural treatments.
decimating bee products will be stigmatized and petitions to ban them will be given to those leaders of the industry and associations involved.
Credit NS
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Parmesan Cheese At East Side Marios?
planting trees in Picardy
"Planting a tree in a garden in a park in the countryside, forest, is a simple, accessible to everyone," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. But this action repeated a billion times leave a footprint in the long term. "
Many associations have mobilized to educate citizens to plant trees on every continent.
In the top three countries farmers can find with Ethiopia over 700 million trees planted, followed by Mexico with 217 million and Turkey with 150 million.
The initiative continues beyond the billion initially targeted. To This, needless to go across the world. Several French associations organize days of planting trees on the national territory.
On 1 March 2009 for example, NAFA (National Association of foresters) and The Earth Organization (Earth Association) came together to make plantations in the carbon sink of Villers-Cotterets in Picardy located on the former WWTP.
The plants were provided by the ANAF notably from their nursery school located in the Chateau de la Ferte Milon Potel, specializing in horticulture and arboriculture.
Children and parents were present to learn any thing essential to reduce the amount of CO ² in the atmosphere: plant a tree.
"Overall, a home emits 16.4 tons of carbon dioxide per year to meet its needs. The household energy consumption accounts for 47% of national consumption, "says Noelle Saugout, president of France and TEO author of Caring for the Earth: 365 green behavior in everyday life. "What better way to start with a simple action and fun to offset our carbon emissions? "
ANAF is an association fighting against global warming and TEO (The Earth Organization), founded by Lawrence Anthony famous for having saved the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq, aims to protect biodiversity.
(See the report of the previous year on
See March 3, 2009 article in the newspaper L'Union at: http:/
"Planting a tree in a garden in a park in the countryside, forest, is a simple, accessible to everyone," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. But this action repeated a billion times leave a footprint in the long term. "
Many associations have mobilized to educate citizens to plant trees on every continent.
In the top three countries farmers can find with Ethiopia over 700 million trees planted, followed by Mexico with 217 million and Turkey with 150 million.
The initiative continues beyond the billion initially targeted. To This, needless to go across the world. Several French associations organize days of planting trees on the national territory.
On 1 March 2009 for example, NAFA (National Association of foresters) and The Earth Organization (Earth Association) came together to make plantations in the carbon sink of Villers-Cotterets in Picardy located on the former WWTP.
The plants were provided by the ANAF notably from their nursery school located in the Chateau de la Ferte Milon Potel, specializing in horticulture and arboriculture.
Children and parents were present to learn any thing essential to reduce the amount of CO ² in the atmosphere: plant a tree.
"Overall, a home emits 16.4 tons of carbon dioxide per year to meet its needs. The household energy consumption accounts for 47% of national consumption, "says Noelle Saugout, president of France and TEO author of Caring for the Earth: 365 green behavior in everyday life. "What better way to start with a simple action and fun to offset our carbon emissions? "
ANAF is an association fighting against global warming and TEO (The Earth Organization), founded by Lawrence Anthony famous for having saved the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq, aims to protect biodiversity.
(See the report of the previous year on
See March 3, 2009 article in the newspaper L'Union at: http:/
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Rose Garden Seat Numbering
Lawrence Anthony, one of the most influential
At presentation in Washington on Saturday journalist Tom Clynes named
conservationist Lawrence Anthony amongst his six most impressive and
influential people in a lifetime of reporting. The list includes luminaries
such as Sir Edmund Hilary the first person to climb Mt Everest.
The full list is as follows.
- Sir Edmund Hilary: The first man to climb Mt Everest.
- J Michael Fay: Pioneering ecologist responsible for the groundbreaking Mega
Transect and Mega Flyover
- Lawrence Anthony: South African conservationist and author, perhaps best known for his daring rescue of the Baghdad Zoo during the Iraq war.
- Nathan Wolfe: Internationally respected virologist for his studies on
"origins of major human infectious diseases"
- Konrad Steffan: Climatologist famous for his groundbreaking studies of
Climate Change and sea level rise.
- Dr Mike Ryan: Epidemiologist, coordinator of the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network at the World Health Organization in Geneva.
Clynes is a respected international journalist and author.
A Pew Fellow in International Journalism, he is contributing editor to National Geographic Adventure, and twice winner of the prestigious Explorers Club Thomas Lowell award.
His book "Music Festivals from Bach to Blues" won the American Library Association's Reference Book of the Year award in 1997.
His articles appear regularly in major international publications.
At presentation in Washington on Saturday journalist Tom Clynes named
conservationist Lawrence Anthony amongst his six most impressive and
influential people in a lifetime of reporting. The list includes luminaries
such as Sir Edmund Hilary the first person to climb Mt Everest.
The full list is as follows.
- Sir Edmund Hilary: The first man to climb Mt Everest.
- J Michael Fay: Pioneering ecologist responsible for the groundbreaking Mega
Transect and Mega Flyover
- Lawrence Anthony: South African conservationist and author, perhaps best known for his daring rescue of the Baghdad Zoo during the Iraq war.
- Nathan Wolfe: Internationally respected virologist for his studies on
"origins of major human infectious diseases"
- Konrad Steffan: Climatologist famous for his groundbreaking studies of
Climate Change and sea level rise.
- Dr Mike Ryan: Epidemiologist, coordinator of the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network at the World Health Organization in Geneva.
Clynes is a respected international journalist and author.
A Pew Fellow in International Journalism, he is contributing editor to National Geographic Adventure, and twice winner of the prestigious Explorers Club Thomas Lowell award.
His book "Music Festivals from Bach to Blues" won the American Library Association's Reference Book of the Year award in 1997.
His articles appear regularly in major international publications.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Mcdonalds Im Loving It Tune
Carbon offsetting and solar ovens
Saturday, February 21, TEO and TERAO (Office of Environmental Studies) gathered to launch the first carbon offset project :
ovens sun in Morocco.
This is a cooking green, simple, very economical, without electricity or fossil. A solar oven allows a family to save every day 11 kg of wood for cooking his meals (ref. "View from Heaven" on FR2).
It also helps prevent desertification which usually takes place when the people cleared the land. This causes a degradation of vegetation to erosion of topsoil, which is the underlying rock exposed.
It is therefore imperative that residents have enough sunlight to benefit from high performance equipment.
TEO France now committed to train these people to teach them to create their own solar ovens using materials recycled.
This will both reduce costs and enhance the autonomy of the village and the local economy.
TERAO is empowered to make carbon footprint since June 28, 2008 and got a carbon footprint of its activities in 2008: the company's emissions are 62 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
Credit SB
Saturday, February 21, TEO and TERAO (Office of Environmental Studies) gathered to launch the first carbon offset project :
ovens sun in Morocco.
This is a cooking green, simple, very economical, without electricity or fossil. A solar oven allows a family to save every day 11 kg of wood for cooking his meals (ref. "View from Heaven" on FR2).
It also helps prevent desertification which usually takes place when the people cleared the land. This causes a degradation of vegetation to erosion of topsoil, which is the underlying rock exposed.
It is therefore imperative that residents have enough sunlight to benefit from high performance equipment.
TEO France now committed to train these people to teach them to create their own solar ovens using materials recycled.
This will both reduce costs and enhance the autonomy of the village and the local economy.
TERAO is empowered to make carbon footprint since June 28, 2008 and got a carbon footprint of its activities in 2008: the company's emissions are 62 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
Credit SB
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Invitation Wording Responsible For Own Bill
Earth Hour
The year 2009 is a decisive year for our planet. It is in the next twelve months that will decide the political fight against global climate change for decades to come. The scientific consensus of the IPCC meeting in Paris in 2007 reminded us of the urgency of the implementation of comprehensive policies to limit 2 ° warming in the 21st century.
WWF has decided to launch an international campaign with a highlight March 28, 2009 which provides reach in over 1000 cities, nearly one billion people who will make the symbolic gesture of turning off their lights for one hour .
To date, 62 countries including France, not less than 74 cities, including Cape Town, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dubai, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Las Vegas, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow , Nashville, Oslo, Rome, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto and Warsaw have already committed to extinguish their light Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 20:30 to 21:30.
March 28 offer one hour for the planet.
The year 2009 is a decisive year for our planet. It is in the next twelve months that will decide the political fight against global climate change for decades to come. The scientific consensus of the IPCC meeting in Paris in 2007 reminded us of the urgency of the implementation of comprehensive policies to limit 2 ° warming in the 21st century.
WWF has decided to launch an international campaign with a highlight March 28, 2009 which provides reach in over 1000 cities, nearly one billion people who will make the symbolic gesture of turning off their lights for one hour .
To date, 62 countries including France, not less than 74 cities, including Cape Town, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dubai, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Las Vegas, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Mexico City, Moscow , Nashville, Oslo, Rome, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto and Warsaw have already committed to extinguish their light Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 20:30 to 21:30.
March 28 offer one hour for the planet.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Pinky Bootytelephone Number
Plant a tree for Earth
"Planting a tree in a garden in a park in the countryside, forest, is a simple, accessible to everyone," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. But this action repeated a billion times leave a footprint in the long term. "
Many associations have mobilized to educate citizens to plant trees on every continent. In the top three countries farmers can find with Ethiopia over 700 million trees planted, followed by Mexico with 217 million and Turkey with 150 million.
The initiative continues beyond the billion initially targeted. To do this, needless to go across the world. Several French associations organize days of planting trees on the national territory.
On 1 March 2009 for example, NAFA (National Association of foresters) and The Earth Organization (Earth Association) merge to make plantations replenished in the sinks of Villers-Cotterets in Picardy located on the former WWTP.
plants will be provided by ANAF notably from their nursery school located in the Chateau de la Ferte Milon Potel, specializing in horticulture and arboriculture. Children and parents will be present to learn any thing essential to reduce the amount of CO ² in the atmosphere: plant a tree.
'Overall, a home emits 16.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year to meet its needs. The household energy consumption accounts for 47% of national consumption, "says Noelle Saugout, president of France and TEO author of Caring for the Earth: 365 green behavior in everyday life. "What better way to start with a simple and fun action to offset our carbon emissions? "
ANAF is an association fighting against global warming and TEO (The Earth Organization), founded by Lawrence Anthony famous for having saved the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq, aims to protect biodiversity.
(See the report of the previous year on
"Planting a tree in a garden in a park in the countryside, forest, is a simple, accessible to everyone," said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. But this action repeated a billion times leave a footprint in the long term. "
Many associations have mobilized to educate citizens to plant trees on every continent. In the top three countries farmers can find with Ethiopia over 700 million trees planted, followed by Mexico with 217 million and Turkey with 150 million.
The initiative continues beyond the billion initially targeted. To do this, needless to go across the world. Several French associations organize days of planting trees on the national territory.
On 1 March 2009 for example, NAFA (National Association of foresters) and The Earth Organization (Earth Association) merge to make plantations replenished in the sinks of Villers-Cotterets in Picardy located on the former WWTP.
plants will be provided by ANAF notably from their nursery school located in the Chateau de la Ferte Milon Potel, specializing in horticulture and arboriculture. Children and parents will be present to learn any thing essential to reduce the amount of CO ² in the atmosphere: plant a tree.
'Overall, a home emits 16.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year to meet its needs. The household energy consumption accounts for 47% of national consumption, "says Noelle Saugout, president of France and TEO author of Caring for the Earth: 365 green behavior in everyday life. "What better way to start with a simple and fun action to offset our carbon emissions? "
ANAF is an association fighting against global warming and TEO (The Earth Organization), founded by Lawrence Anthony famous for having saved the Baghdad Zoo during the war in Iraq, aims to protect biodiversity.
(See the report of the previous year on
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